Season 01, Episode 04: The Comparison Complex
It sounds like the next big hipster band name, but The Comparison Complex is something that actually lasts, and it can also make or break your creativity. That's why it's complex!! Mez and Toby discuss not only the dangers of comparing your work and yourself to others, but also the positive explosions that can go off when you nail this whole comparison thing. Do you panic about low like-counts, falling followers, not having cool ideas like the people you follow? Well, this one's for you!! Listen in, and listen good. Our dynamic duo has got your back.
Click Click Bang Bang: A Photography Podcast is written and produced by Meredith Schofield and Toby Forage.
Edited by Toby Forage
Music by Simon Figliuzzi
Brand design by
Thanks also to Sean Brokenshire and Bandit for their help in the studio.