DiscoverThe Literary License PodcastSeason 7: Episode 353 - DOCTOR WHO: Interview with Ian Britten Hull
Season 7: Episode 353 - DOCTOR WHO:  Interview with Ian Britten Hull

Season 7: Episode 353 - DOCTOR WHO: Interview with Ian Britten Hull

Update: 2024-02-22


Dive deep into the world of one of the most iconic characters in television history with 'Behind The Scenes of Doctor Who: The Tom Baker Years - An Interview with Ian Brittan-Hull.' This episode from the Literary License Podcast takes listeners on a fascinating journey into the past, providing intriguing insights into the classic BBC science fiction series Doctor Who.


Our host, Ramona Schnitger, engages in a captivating discussion with special guest, Ian Brittan-Hull, known for his role as Tom Baker's double on the show. Brittan-Hull shares his unforgettable experiences from his early fan days to the behind-the-scenes life as an integral part of the series. He brings to life his meetings with Tom Baker's publicity agent, his time in newspapers alongside Baker and his eventual transition into embodying the character at various public events.


Throughout the episode, Brittan-Hull's accounts of working closely with Baker shed light on the human aspects of the legendary actor. He also answers listener queries about his performances, comparisons with other stuntmen, and his perspective on the role of stuntmen in the series. Within this nostalgic and intriguing listen, he candidly shares his journey of faithfully bringing Doctor Who out from the screens and into public spaces.


The episode does not end there. Brittan-Hull then talks about his present ventures and upcoming projects, from his theater company AMA Theatre to his latest passion project, Pirates. His fascinating narratives of his creative journey make this podcast episode compelling for Doctor Who fans and general audiences alike.

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Season 7: Episode 353 - DOCTOR WHO:  Interview with Ian Britten Hull

Season 7: Episode 353 - DOCTOR WHO: Interview with Ian Britten Hull

Literary License Podcast