Setting Online Therapy Session Rates (And Coping with Your Inner Critic)
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Today we're going to work through some of those internal critical thoughts that you might be having so that you can free yourself up to be able to live the life that you want.
I'm going to teach you the math and the experiments that are going to let you bypass the work on your self-worth that many people will say is required before you can increase your rates.
Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown quote, "daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others." There will be clients that you disappoint, because you weren't a good fit in some kind of way.
I want to share with you a story about my own therapist and how we landed on our rate together.
Let's talk about the math to figure out your fee per hour that you need to charge to live the life you want.
So the experiment is not, "Am I worth that much?" But does the market tolerate that much. So what that meant for me was I was going to go hard at marketing for six weeks in every way that I could think of and see what was happening.
So once we figure out where we want your rate to be, we need to think about where do people exist who can pay that rate who are in your niche, or your ideal client, and I talk a lot about ideal client.
When you see your first client at your full fee rate, you may do the worst therapy you've done in your life. In my very first full fee, private pay private practice client session, I threw every intervention I had ever heard of at that poor client. I felt the need to perform. So, just a little normalizing if that happens to you and also just to remember that the literature is clear, clients want to feel known, heard, understood. Build the relationship, listen with your third year, really get to know your people. And that is going to make the therapy worth it for them.
And if you want to learn more about how to market to your ideal client, you might want to join me in a course that I have coming up.