Shitty Song of the Year 2024 - Part 1
Welcome to the 5th Annual Shitty Song of the Year 2024! A rogue's gallery of judges and an onslaught of shitty music to go through. 24 songs enter the ring, only 1 song emerges victorious.
There will be some petty bickering and bullshit decisions being made. You'll hear arguments that don't make any goddamn sense. You might even hear some off-color jokes. But don't worry, we're all friends here. Friendships WILL be tested... Hell, somebody might get shitfaced drunk and make an ass of himself OR someone might even get SO mad, they pull a REAL gun on a computer screen...
And it's ALL your fault. YOU did this. YOU voted throughout the year to see who made it this far. Now it's OUR turn to see what song will be CROWNED Shitty Song of the Year!
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