Should you Prepare for a LONGER Job Search?
Let's discuss the realities of job seeking in today's current market. It will likely take you a bit longer to find a new position than it has in the past, especially if you're a higher earner.
A couple key things to think about:
1. Job seekers should prepare for a longer job search if they're on the job market right now or are thinking about looking for new opportunities.
2. The dynamics of the job market have totally flipped from a candidate-led market in the post-pandemic world to an employer-led market in the past year.
3. Don't get discouraged if you're in this situation. You're certainly not alone. Keep a positive attitude and stay proactive in your job search.
The current job market is proving to be a difficult one for job seekers, with layoffs and hiring freezes leading to a surplus of talent competing for fewer job opportunities.
At Proof of Talent, we support job seekers in the crypto, blockchain and web3 space. If that's you, reach out to us below!
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