Significados del verbo KEEP en inglés

Significados del verbo KEEP en inglés

Update: 2022-09-17


Phrasal Verbs –  Episodio 43- Significados del verbo KEEP en Ingles

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El audio de este episodio al comienzo de esta publicación


Veamos los diversos significados del verbo KEEP pero no en frases (phrasal verbs) ni en otras combinaciones (preposition combinations)


  • to retain / to have or continue to have in possession

— (To the taxi driver). You can keep the change.

— (At your new workplace). You can keep your things in this locker.

*** Cuando lo usamos como el verbo retener que no se confunda con hold. Hold es algo muy breve como en “Hold my purse. I need to go to the bathroom”.


  • to maintain / look after

— She keeps her hair shiny and colorful.

— Mr. Brown always keeps his office clean.

*** como sinónimo de cuidar o mantener


  • to make a regular record of events or other information so that you can refer to it later

— Do you keep a diary? , (an account, a record, etc)

*** en este caso es tener al dia una agenda o log

  • to (cause to) stay in a particular place or condition:

— I wish you’d keep quiet.

— I like to keep busy.

— Keep left (= stay on the road to the left) at the traffic lights.

— Can you keep the dog outside, please?

*** quedarse en una posición o condición.

  • to continue doing something without stopping, or to do it repeatedly: (Keep on)

— He keeps trying to distract me.

— I keep on thinking I’ve seen her before somewhere.

— I kept hoping that he’d phone me.

*** continuar haciendo algo sin parar

  • to delay someone or prevent them from doing something:

— He’s very late – what’s keeping him?

— I’m so sorry to keep you waiting.

— She kept me talking on the phone for half an hour.

— I hope I’m not keeping you up (= preventing you from going to bed).

*** retrasar o prevenir a alguien de hacer algo de hacer algo

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The post Significados del verbo KEEP en inglés appeared first on Clases de Ingles por Redes Gratis - Ingles Audio.









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End of Episode

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

30 Minutes

45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

Significados del verbo KEEP en inglés

Significados del verbo KEEP en inglés

Clases de Ingles por Redes Gratis – Ingles Audio