SolePower Episode 40 - First Quarter Goals
Have a little grace with yourself this year - no need to tackle everything in the first quarter. We put so much pressure on ourselves to "be a new me in the new year," it sets us up for failure. We're conditioned to turn over a new leaf and just SUCCEED in January. Whatever happened last year is to be forgotten!
We all know that's not how life works. First quarter is a good time to re-evaluate our goals and see if they still make sense for our business. The ability to pivot and adapt is imperative when owning a business.
Last year at this time, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had all sorts of great business plans for 1st quarter, but cancer had a different idea. A lumpectomy and radiation treatment occupied my 1st quarter in 2023 - I had to adapt. It was an interruption, but it took center stage for a few months.
When we talked to Amy Ackermann in Episode 38, the topics of adaptability and harmony were the focus of our show. We try to create balance in our lives and we wear ourselves out. If instead we adapt and create harmony, we take a lot of pressure off of ourselves that can be used for better things.
Episode 38 with Amy Ackermann
SolePower podcast is hosted by Angela Jorden (, and Cheryl Burke (
SolePower podcast theme "A Delicate Operation," composed by Gabriel Harley.