DiscoverConversations with Dr. JenniferSomething is Already Working: A Discussion on Embodiment, Vulnerability, and Mindfulness with Thomas McConkie
Something is Already Working: A Discussion on Embodiment, Vulnerability, and Mindfulness with Thomas McConkie

Something is Already Working: A Discussion on Embodiment, Vulnerability, and Mindfulness with Thomas McConkie

Update: 2023-12-192


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Several weeks ago, Dr. Finlayson-Fife invited Thomas McConkie to join her and Room for Two annual subscribers for an interactive discussion about embodiment, vulnerability, and the power of mindfulness. This week, we are publishing the recording of this rich and meaningful conversation for ALL to enjoy. 

Thomas McConkie is an author, developmental researcher, and mindfulness teacher. He is the founder of the Lower Lights School of Wisdom, a supportive and vibrant community focused on adult development and healing divisions through bridging religious/secular divides. Thomas has a passion for the world's Wisdom traditions, was raised as a Latter-day Saint, and has a deep Christian faith infused with nearly 25 years of Buddhist practice. 

Thomas's newly released book, At-ONE-Ment, offers a beautiful exploration of ancient and modern approaches to awakening the mind, purifying the heart, and healing the body. You can learn more about Thomas and his work by clicking HERE.

If you would like to take part in future live discussions like this one, subscribe to Room for Two today! 









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Something is Already Working: A Discussion on Embodiment, Vulnerability, and Mindfulness with Thomas McConkie

Something is Already Working: A Discussion on Embodiment, Vulnerability, and Mindfulness with Thomas McConkie

Dr. Finlayson-Fife's Podcast Archive