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Star Trek Picard Season Finale Review! Missed Opportunities, Sweet Moments & MacGuffins GALORE!

Star Trek Picard Season Finale Review! Missed Opportunities, Sweet Moments & MacGuffins GALORE!

Update: 2020-03-28


We get some very sweet and touching moments in the Star Trek Picard Season 1 finale and even explore the concept of an Android deciding the experience the ultimate human experience of death. What does it mean to be human and to be real? How can one trust others when they are in constant fear of being hunted and destroyed?

For all the good moments we do get in the Picard finale however, we also get a lot of missed opportunities for the season overall as it ends with another end of the Galaxy barely averted trope. It feels like instead of dealing with many issues that could have been explored such as the fallout from the Romulan relocations, the greater consequences of the Synth ban and un-ban as well as the xBs , we get another over the top evil villain defeated at the last moment story. We get a few MacGuffins, predictable moments and a death fake-out.

Syd and Alvin talk about what they liked, didn't like, what they had hoped for and the roads not taken in our final Star Trek Picard review!


Trekily theme is Gravity by Stanley Gurvich found on Artlist
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Star Trek Picard Season Finale Review! Missed Opportunities, Sweet Moments & MacGuffins GALORE!

Star Trek Picard Season Finale Review! Missed Opportunities, Sweet Moments & MacGuffins GALORE!

Alvin Wayne Cadonic