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Stuck in the Middle

Stuck in the Middle

Update: 2024-05-303


This episode of Snap Judgment tells the story of a middle school musical in Maryland that was canceled due to concerns about its content, specifically a scene with two gay dads. The story follows Lee, a 12-year-old student who was excited to be in the play, and Parker, a classmate who was also involved in the production. The cancellation sparked outrage among parents and community members, who felt that the school was censoring the play because of its portrayal of a same-sex couple. A local resident, Jamie, took it upon himself to organize a protest and online petition, which garnered thousands of signatures and drew attention from national media outlets. The school eventually reversed its decision and allowed the play to go on, but with a disclaimer about mature content. The episode explores themes of bullying, identity, and the power of community activism. It also highlights the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth in navigating their identities and finding acceptance in a sometimes-unwelcoming world.



This Chapter introduces the story of Lee, a middle school student who finds solace and self-expression in theater class. Lee faces bullying and struggles with their identity, finding a connection with Parker, another student who is also exploring their sexuality.

The Musical

This Chapter details Lee's involvement in the school musical, "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee." Lee is excited to play the role of William, a nerdy kid with a peanut allergy, and finds a sense of belonging in the theater class. However, Lee's joy is short-lived when the school cancels the play due to concerns about its content, specifically a scene with two gay dads.

The Outcry

This Chapter focuses on the community's reaction to the cancellation of the musical. Parents, including Lee's mother and Jamie, a local resident, are outraged and organize a protest and online petition to pressure the school to reverse its decision. The petition gains widespread attention and support, leading to the school's decision to reinstate the play.

The Meeting

This Chapter describes a public meeting held by the school to address the cancellation of the musical. Parents and students express their frustration and disappointment, while school administrators offer a vague explanation for the cancellation, refusing to acknowledge the role of the gay dads scene. Lee speaks up at the meeting, sharing their personal experiences and expressing their confusion about the controversy.

The Comeback

This Chapter details the school's decision to reinstate the musical after the community outcry. The play is allowed to go on, but with a disclaimer about mature content. Lee and Parker are relieved but also apprehensive about the increased attention and scrutiny surrounding the play.

Tech Week

This Chapter focuses on the challenges faced by the students as they prepare for the musical's performance. They have only three weeks to get the play back on its feet, and the pressure is immense. Lee's scene partner drops out, and no one else is willing to play the role of the gay dad. Lee's father steps in to play the role, but his over-the-top performance leads to a humorous and insightful conversation about stereotypes.

Opening Night

This Chapter describes the opening night of the musical. Lee and Parker are nervous but excited to perform. Jamie, the local resident who spearheaded the protest, shows his support by playing a video message from the original Broadway cast members. The performance is plagued by technical difficulties, but the students persevere and deliver a memorable show.

The Aftermath

This Chapter reflects on the impact of the musical and the controversy surrounding it. Lee and Parker have grown closer through the experience, finding solace and support in each other. The episode ends with a message of hope and resilience, emphasizing the importance of finding community and standing up for what is right.


The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

A musical comedy that follows a group of middle schoolers competing in a spelling bee. The play explores themes of pre-pubescence, awkwardness, and the pressures of growing up. It is known for its quirky characters, catchy songs, and humorous take on the challenges of adolescence.

Hyatt'sville Middle School

A middle school located in Hyatt'sville, Maryland, where the events of the episode take place. The school is portrayed as a microcosm of the larger societal issues surrounding LGBTQ+ acceptance and censorship.

Jamie McGonagall

A local resident who becomes a vocal advocate for the students and the musical. Jamie, who identifies as a gay dad, is deeply affected by the school's decision to cancel the play and uses his platform to organize a protest and online petition. He embodies the spirit of community activism and the importance of standing up for what is right.

Spina Bifida

A birth defect that affects the spinal cord. The episode features a segment by Mike McGee, a comedian who shares his personal experience with Spina Bifida and how he used humor to cope with bullying and societal expectations. Spina Bifida is a condition that can cause a range of physical challenges, including mobility issues and bladder control problems.


A prank or game involving pulling down someone's pants. The episode uses the term "pacing" to illustrate the dynamics of bullying and social hierarchies in middle school. The act of "pacing" is often used as a way to assert dominance or humiliate others, highlighting the power imbalances that can exist in school environments.


  • What was the main reason for the cancellation of the middle school musical?

    The school administrators cited concerns about the play's content, specifically a scene with two gay dads, as being inappropriate for middle schoolers. However, many people believe that the real reason was homophobia and a desire to censor the play's portrayal of a same-sex couple.

  • How did the community react to the cancellation of the musical?

    The community was outraged and organized a protest and online petition to pressure the school to reverse its decision. The petition gained widespread attention and support, leading to the school's decision to reinstate the play.

  • What was Lee's experience like at the public meeting about the cancellation?

    Lee was deeply affected by the controversy and felt like their words fell on deaf ears. They were disappointed that the focus was on the gay characters and not on the students' hard work and the play's artistic merit.

  • What was the outcome of the controversy surrounding the musical?

    The school reversed its decision to cancel the play, but with a disclaimer about mature content. The play went on, but the experience left a lasting impact on the students, highlighting the challenges of navigating identity and acceptance in a sometimes-unwelcoming world.

  • What is the significance of the episode's title, "Stuck in the Middle?"

    The title refers to the challenges faced by middle school students, who are often caught between childhood and adulthood. The episode explores the complexities of adolescence, including bullying, identity formation, and the search for belonging.

  • What is the message of the episode?

    The episode highlights the importance of community activism, the power of storytelling, and the resilience of young people in the face of adversity. It also emphasizes the need for acceptance and understanding, particularly for LGBTQ+ youth who are often marginalized and discriminated against.

Show Notes

Drama Club is the happy, safe space for Lee and Parker until their school play becomes a homophobic middle school meltdown. The lights get turned up to 10, the adults are in a media frenzy, and the kids are just trying to figure it all out.


Don't Say Gay Dads

Drama Club is the happy, safe space for Lee and Parker until their school play becomes a homophobic middle school meltdown. The lights get turned up to 10, the adults are in a media frenzy, and the kids are just trying to figure it all out.

This story contains descriptions of abuse directed at gay persons. Please take care while listening.

A very big thank you to Lee and Parker—who are best friends to this day.  Thanks as well to Jamie McGonnigal.

Produced by Mark Betancourt, original score by Dirk Schwarzhoff

Playground Bullies and Dark Secrets 

In middle school, Mike has a secret. But no one has ever seen “it.” 

This was performed at Snap LIVE in Los Angeles.

“Mighty” Mike McGee is an international spoken word artist, writer, performer, speaker, slam poet and comic. McGee is the first slam poet to win both the American National Poetry Slam Individual Grand Championship and the Individual World Poetry Slam Championship. 

Original score composed and performed by Alex Mandel, Tim Frick, and David Brandt.

Artwork by Teo Ducot

Season 15 - Episode 24









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

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120 Minutes

Stuck in the Middle

Stuck in the Middle

Snap Judgment and PRX