Sunlight, Vitamin D & Chronic Disease: Rethinking Sun Exposure Risks
I cover the evidence for greater sunlight & ultraviolet light exposure & lower all-cause death. I also make the case for a decentralized approach to chronic disease prevention & management, and the role pharmaceutical industry influence in medicine.
This presentation was delivered for the Australian Medical Network, Head to YouTube to watch with slides.
Watch my podcast with Alexis Cowan, PhD if you enjoyed this presentation:
SUPPORT my work by purchasing from the following links:
🚨 BON CHARGE. Blue blockers, EMF laptop pads, circadian friendly lighting, and more. Code DRMAX for 15% off.
🚨 CHROMA. Advanced photobiomodulation devices including D-light (Vitamin D-generating) & Lux vital with OPN3-5 stimulation, cold pillow for the ultimate night's sleep. Use code DRMAX for 11% off.
🚨 MIDWEST RED LIGHT THERAPY. Blue blockers, photobiomodulation devices, shipping to USA. Code DRMAX for 10% off
#sunlight #decentralizedhealth
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