Surveying the Solar Landscape
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According to a recent report from the Solar Energy Industries Association, US solar and storage companies have announced more than $100 billion in private sector investments since the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act in August of 2022. So while there's certainly momentum (and capital) flowing in the right direction for solar, the forecast is not entirely sunny.
Daniel Cruise, partner and Head of Renewables at Lium Research, joins the show to discuss which segments of the solar sector are looking bright ... and which segments might have a cloudy future.
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Sustainability SmartPod episode featuring Deloitte's John Mennel
Highlights from Daniel Cruise
Current trends in the renewables sector - (5:06 )
Clouds in the forecast for residential solar - (6:46 )
Utility-scale solar looking bright - (11:36 )
SOLARSAT insights - (14:11 )
Battery storage moving slow, but remains crucial - (17:18 )
Big-picture risks for the renewable sector - (18:09 )
Daniel's bold predictions - (19:56 )
More resources from Lium Research
Utility-scale solar analysis
Residential solar analysis
Daniel's previous appearance on this podcast
Learn more about SOLARSAT from Lium Research
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