DiscoverReligion in Praxis Conversation SeriesSwedish Crossroads: Church, Death, and the Quest for Meaning - Interview with Dr. Jakob Wirén
Swedish Crossroads: Church, Death, and the Quest for Meaning - Interview with Dr. Jakob Wirén

Swedish Crossroads: Church, Death, and the Quest for Meaning - Interview with Dr. Jakob Wirén

Update: 2024-01-22


In this episode, the Conversation Series presents ‘Swedish Crossroads: Church, Death, and the Quest for Meaning’; a comprehensive examination of the interrelationship between death, societal norms, and spiritual beliefs within the distinct socio-cultural context of Sweden. The discussion critically analyzes the influence of Swedish secular values, particularly those stemming from Lutheran secularization, on societal perceptions of death and the grieving process. The episode also explores the role of death education in Swedish schools, examining its impact on shaping children's perceptions of mortality in a context characterized by high rates of atheism. With Dr. Jakob Wirén we examine the mechanisms through which individuals seek meaning and closure following the loss of loved ones, considering the cultural and environmental implications of practices such as natural burial. ‘Swedish Crossroads: Church, Death, and the Quest for Meaning’ also reflects on the historical significance of Swedish folklore, examining the persistence and transformation of afterlife tales and their influence on contemporary attitudes toward death. The episode critically reflects on the lessons learned from Sweden's approach to palliative care and the ethos of death with dignity. In analyzing the broader societal implications, the podcast discusses the application of "lagom" - the Swedish philosophy of balance - in the context of grief and loss. It assesses how Sweden's liberal church policies on funerals and memorials reflect evolving societal attitudes toward death amid increasing secularization. It also considers the role of Sweden's extensive welfare and social support systems in shaping individual approaches to existential questions about mortality.

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Swedish Crossroads: Church, Death, and the Quest for Meaning - Interview with Dr. Jakob Wirén

Swedish Crossroads: Church, Death, and the Quest for Meaning - Interview with Dr. Jakob Wirén

Religion in Praxis