DiscoverTHE SAVAGE NATIONTHE DEATH OF THE WEST: How Harris/Walz are the end of individualism, liberalism & democracy - #764
THE DEATH OF THE WEST: How Harris/Walz are the end of individualism, liberalism & democracy - #764

THE DEATH OF THE WEST: How Harris/Walz are the end of individualism, liberalism & democracy - #764

Update: 2024-09-061


This podcast episode delves into the political and cultural landscape of the United States, focusing on the upcoming election and its implications for Western civilization. Host Michael Savage, drawing on the work of Otto Spangler, argues that the West is not merely in decline but is experiencing its death. He sees the election as a pivotal moment, a choice between freedom and dictatorship. Savage expresses concern about the unchecked power of social media platforms, arguing that they wield significant influence over public discourse without adequate oversight. He criticizes the Democratic Party, claiming it has become the new Caesarism, replacing individualism and liberalism with a centralized, controlling power structure. Savage connects the decline of Western civilization to the rise of radical feminist and lesbian movements in the 1960s, arguing that those who scream loudest about freedom are actually the ones who want to enslave others. He concludes by urging listeners to fight back against the forces that are trying to destroy America, emphasizing the importance of the upcoming election and the need to choose freedom over dictatorship.


The Election and the Death of Western Civilization

The podcast begins with an introduction highlighting the importance of borders, language, and culture. It then introduces Michael Savage as the host and sets the stage for a discussion about the upcoming election and its implications for Western civilization, arguing that the West is not merely in decline but is experiencing its death.

The Power of Social Media and the Need for Regulation

Michael Savage expresses concern about the unchecked power of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, arguing that they wield significant influence over public discourse without adequate oversight or regulation.

The Rise of Caesarism and the Democratic Party

Savage argues that the Democratic Party has become the new Caesarism, replacing individualism, liberalism, and democracy with a centralized, controlling power structure. He cites examples of censorship and attempts to control elections as evidence.

The Origins of Western Civilization's Decline

Savage argues that the decline of Western civilization can be traced back to the radical feminist and lesbian movements of the 1960s, who chanted \"Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go.\" He believes that those who scream loudest about freedom are actually the ones who want to enslave others.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Savage concludes his discourse, thanking his listeners and urging them to fight back against the forces that are trying to destroy America. He emphasizes the importance of the upcoming election and the need to choose freedom over dictatorship.



A form of government in which a single ruler, often a military leader, holds absolute power. It is characterized by strong central authority, suppression of dissent, and a focus on national unity.


A political and economic system that advocates for social ownership and democratic control of the means of production, distribution, and exchange. It aims to create a more equitable society by reducing economic inequality and promoting social welfare.

Western Civilization

A broad term encompassing the cultural, philosophical, and political traditions of Europe and its descendants. It is characterized by a focus on reason, individualism, and democratic values.

Social Media

Digital platforms that enable users to create and share content, connect with others, and participate in online communities.


A form of government in which a single person or a small group of people holds absolute power, often through force or suppression of opposition. It is characterized by a lack of democratic processes and individual freedoms.


A political philosophy that emphasizes individual rights, limited government, and free markets. It advocates for freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, as well as the rule of law.


A philosophy that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual and their right to autonomy and self-determination. It contrasts with collectivism, which prioritizes the needs of the group over the individual.


  • What is Michael Savage's main argument about the upcoming election?

    Savage believes the upcoming election is crucial for the future of Western civilization, arguing that it represents a choice between freedom and dictatorship. He sees Trump as a flawed but necessary defender of Western values, while Harris Waltz represent a new Caesarism that threatens individual liberties.

  • How does Savage connect Spangler's analysis of socialism to the current political climate?

    Savage argues that Spangler's prediction of a new Caesarism emerging in the 20th century is playing out in the United States today. He believes the Democratic Party has become the new Caesarism, seeking to control elections, censor speech, and impose a centralized power structure.

  • What are some of the key concerns Savage expresses about the power of social media?

    Savage is concerned about the unchecked power of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, arguing that they wield significant influence over public discourse without adequate oversight or regulation. He believes this lack of accountability poses a threat to free speech and democratic values.

  • How does Savage connect the decline of Western civilization to the rise of radical feminist and lesbian movements?

    Savage believes that the decline of Western civilization can be traced back to the radical feminist and lesbian movements of the 1960s, who chanted \"Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go.\" He argues that these movements, despite their claims of promoting freedom, ultimately sought to enslave others.

  • What is Savage's overall message to his listeners?

    Savage urges his listeners to wake up and fight back against the forces that are trying to destroy America. He emphasizes the importance of the upcoming election and the need to choose freedom over dictatorship. He also encourages listeners to share his message with others and to stand up for their rights.

Show Notes

Savage discusses the delicate state of Western Civilization, drawing on the predictions in Spengler's 1918 book "The Decline of the West."Savage argues that the West is no longer in the decline phase but is experiencing its death, with opposing forces represented by Donald Trump and his supporters of individualism, liberalism, and democracy, and those who despise these values. Spengler's book also touches upon the issue of Israel and Jews, with Savage highlighting the historical presence of Jews in Israel and their contributions contrasted with the lack of progress in neighboring Arab countries. Learn how the Democratic Party has transformed into a party of absolute dictatorship, with the likes of Vice President Kamala Harris and Alexandria Occasional-Cortex who desire statism and centralized power. He connects socialism to imperialism, arguing that it is not a compassionate or peaceful system, but rather one of willpower and imperialistic ambitions. He blasts Mitch McConnell for working on behalf of China's interests rather than representing Americans. He reflects on the rise of the military-industrial complex and its efforts in promoting war and conflict. Savage shares personal experiences of being denied jobs due to affirmative action policies and growing awareness of the country's transformation into a liberal dictatorship from his early days as a social worker. He warns that the establishment will continue to seize our rights. Will God save America from those who seek to take away our freedoms?

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THE DEATH OF THE WEST: How Harris/Walz are the end of individualism, liberalism & democracy - #764

THE DEATH OF THE WEST: How Harris/Walz are the end of individualism, liberalism & democracy - #764

Michael Savage