Talk Behavior to Me: Kendall Ryndak-Samuel
This week we are joined by a very special guest, Board Certified Behavior Analyst Kendall Rindak-Samuel. Kendall joined us to talk about the fascinating world of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), showing how it can transform fields like education, sports, and corporate systems. Join us as we debunk common myths and gain an enriched understanding of human behavior, all while Kendall shares her dual expertise in behavioral sports psychology and dissemination.
During the episode Kendall discusses the value of ongoing research beyond initial education, highlighting how honing observational skills in daily life can strengthen both personal and professional relationships. She also touches on the pitfalls of self-diagnosis on social media and underscores the need for ethical standards in changing behaviors that genuinely impact individuals’ lives.
Effective communication is crucial in behavior analysis, and Kendall excels at translating complex terms into accessible language. She recently wrote a book called “Talk Behavior to Me: The Routledge Dictionary of the Top 150 Behavior Analytic Terms and Translations” so that the average person can better understand the different terms used in behavioral analysis. Tune in for practical insights and strategies to enhance your observational skills and deepen your understanding of human behavior, guided by Kendall's expert perspective.
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Check out Kendall's book:
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