Tax Loss Harvesting, Tax Gain Harvesting, Financial Advisor Value - 479
Linda is retired and financially independent. Her advisor suggests she have a separately managed account specifically for tax loss harvesting. Today on Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast 479, Joe Anderson, CFP® and Big Al Clopine, CPA spitball on how to save as much tax as possible on retirement withdrawals. Plus, Brian wants to know if it ever makes sense to put IRA money into a brokerage account, rather than doing Roth conversions, so the fellas explain the benefits of tax gain harvesting. Also, why is Robert and Jane’s financial advisor constantly trading in Jane’s professionally managed account? Pete wants to know if flat-fee financial advisors are worth their fee, and Daniel needs financial guidance for his 34-year-old daughter. He’s also considering a free assessment, but he doesn’t really know what he’s getting himself into, so Joe and Al explain. Free Financial Resources & Transcript:
What Happens to Your 401(k) & IRA at Retirement? - YMYW TV
Retirement Readiness Guide - free download
Free Financial Assessment - schedule now
Ask Joe & Big Al On Air for your Retirement Spitball Analysis
00:00 - Intro
00:55 - Separately Managed Account for Tax Loss Harvesting To Optimize Retirement Withdrawals? (Linda, MD)
11:54 - Why is Our Advisor Constantly Trading in Our Professionally Managed Account? (Robert, GA)
18:00 - Are Flat-Fee Advisors Worth the Fee? (Pete, Knoxville, TN)
27:03 - Financial Planning for 34-Year-Old Daughter and Pure’s Free Assessment (Daniel, Whittier)
35:17 - Does Moving from IRA to Brokerage instead of Roth Ever Make Sense for Tax Gain Harvesting? (Brian, Albany, NY)
42:12 - The Derails