Popov ja Belkin räägivad Hiinast, terminaatorist, julgeolekust antiikaja Vahemerel ja Aleksander Suurest. Paljastame topelttšempion Popovi saladused. Belkin nukrutseb Marveli kasutamata võimaluse üle.
Raamatud, millest juttu tuli:
Martti Koskenniemi, The Gentle Civilizer of Nations: The Rise and Fall of International Law 1870-1960 (Cambridge University Press, 2001)
Wilhelm G. Grewe, The Epochs of International Law (De Gruyter, 2000)
Lassa Oppenheim, The Future of International Law (1914)
G. Matteo Vacarro-Incisa, China's Treaty Policy and Practice in International Investment Law and Arbitration (Brill Nijhoff, 2021)
E. H. Gombrich, A Little History of the World (Yale University Press, 2008)
Rachel Kousser, Alexander at the End of the World: The Forgotten Final Years of Alexander the Great (2024)
Terminaator Kilpkonn Kipsi saates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_aMqT9kIMg