Terror at Collinwood Episode 87: Dan “Marilyn” Ross DS Paperback Library Novels with Joe Escobar, Amy Roeder, & Jeff Thompson
From 1966 to 1972, Paperback Library released 32 Dark Shadows novels set in a distinct version of the Dark Shadows universe, existing apart from the events shown in the television series, along with a novelization of the film House of Dark Shadows. These were all written by the prolific Canadian author W. E. Daniel Ross aka Dan Ross, under the pen name “Marilyn Ross”. Visiting the podcast to discuss the world of the DS Ross novels are Joe Escobar, Amy Roeder, and Dr. Jeff Thompson. Join us for this in-depth conversation about the classic DS novel series.
Hermes Press, publisher of Dark Shadows books WEBSITE: https://hermes-press.myshopify.com/collections/dark-shadows-collection
Sasqua/Luna Theater link: https://lunalowell.com/sasqua/
Haunted Lowell YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkzLHmG2uTyq1Nqgs5_09FQ/videos
Collinsport After Dark Episode 5 – The Paperback Library Dark Shadows Collection VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7szDf8ua4oY&list=PLAw38rxqLiknuRK27GTszwbsT3AWC4ZQq
Nick Caputo’s Marvel Mysteries and Comics Minutiae BLOG: https://nick-caputo.blogspot.com
The Television Horrors of Dan Curtis book by Jeff Thompson on Amazon:
Author Dan Ross on David Letterman Show VIDEO courtesy of Norman Fisher: https://archive.org/details/author-dan-ross-on-david-letterman-show
Dark Shadows in the Sun Fan Club group on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/32258053815
Joe’s Night of Dark Shadows novelization LINK:
Dark Shadows Remembrance Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/430223276155687
Surfing the Shadows surf rock cover of Dark Shadows theme by Johnny D & The Moonlighters: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/johnny-d-the-moonlighters/1187748534