The 2024 30X30 Marketing Matrix for Note Investors
Most real estate investors feel like a deer in headlights when it comes to understanding that they need to embrace marketing for their real estate investing career. Investors don't have a clue on where to begin, what to share, or how to create valuable content that helps them find assets, raise capital, and connect with their audience.
But for almost 20 years now, Scott Carson has been using one simple tool with his team and his coaching students to help them come up with an effective marketing and posting calendar to help them stay consistent and grow their network. Most real estate educators fail when it comes to teaching the marketing side of the business but Scott Carson has had the good fortune to be taught by a few marketing geniuses that have helped him stand out from the crowd. And that's why you will want to watch or listen to the latest episode of Note Night in America - the 30x30 Marketing Matrix!
Scott shares what you can and should do on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to your audience depending on your schedule, budget, or knowledge level! Take some notes and make sure to book a call with Scott after downloading his slides and your own Marketing Matrix.
Watch the original video HERE!
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