The 2024 Dragon Con Report Episode 9
Dragon Con is just around the corner, and we're in the final countdown to the biggest fan event of the year! In this jam-packed episode, we're bringing you insights and behind-the-scenes updates to get you fully prepped and hyped for the con.
Joining us this time is Charles McFall, the Digital Media Track Director, who will share what's new and exciting in the world of digital media at Dragon Con.
We also have Dave West from the Big Damn Game Show, offering a sneak peek into the event you won't want to miss.
Jodi, the Director of Charity Events, will discuss the incredible ways Dragon Con gives back and how you can get involved.
But that's not all—Dragon Con's nightlife is legendary, and we've got the experts on hand to dive into it! Members of the Cult of DCDJ's, including DJ Spider, DJ Nori Noir and DJ Nemesis, will be joining us to talk about the official con party scene, DJ sets, and what makes the nights at Dragon Con so unforgettable.
So tune in and get ready for an episode packed with everything you need to know as we count down to Dragon Con!
The Dragon Con Report is a part of the ESO Podcast Network, Producer Jen “Lil’ Bit” Schleusner, Executive Producer Mike Faber.
We want to hear from you! Feedback is always welcome. Please write to us at and subscribe and rate the show wherever fine podcasts are found, such as Apple Podcast, Google Play, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, and our new YouTube Channel.
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Big Damn Game Show 2024
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Dragon Con Report Intro and Outro attributes:
Stock Media provided by Blackmid / Pond5
Adventure Of The Pirates - Fantasy, Epic Orchestral Music by Pond5
Stock Media provided by MellauSFX / Pond5
Dragon Fire Roar Sound Effects by Pond5
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Special Guests: Charles McFall, Dave West, DJ Nemesis, DJ Nori Noir, DJ Spider, and Jodi Pace.