The Beauty Industry Post COVID: 2021 In Reflection
Can you believe it’s already December?! This year has been a blur, and here we are, wrapping it up. While the pandemic has unfortunately carried on, evolving into different variants, the beauty industry has also had to evolve in response to the unprecedented shift of shopping trends. There have been other changes within the beauty space as well in 2021, and I am going to share all the details with you today.
From new celebrity beauty line launches to businesses folding after collaborations gone wrong, 2021 did not spare anyone in the beauty industry no matter how big or small. We also discovered some new methods in the way of sustainability, and the results will be much appreciated by makeup artists and everyday users alike.
Memorable quote from the episode
"Wearing makeup is liberating and fun but confidently NOT wearing makeup is equally important."
Read the entire show notes HERE
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