DiscoverThe One You FeedThe Beauty and Power of Friendship with Will Schwalbe
The Beauty and Power of Friendship with Will Schwalbe

The Beauty and Power of Friendship with Will Schwalbe

Update: 2024-06-04


Will Schwalbe and his co-host discuss the phrase "in the grand scheme of things," a phrase Schwalbe's mother used to help him gain perspective on difficult situations. They explore the tension between acknowledging our emotions and seeing the bigger picture, recognizing that while perspective can be helpful, it can also be used to minimize our feelings. Schwalbe emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between these two approaches, suggesting that a healthy parent-child relationship can help children learn to navigate this tension. He also highlights the role of friendship in providing perspective and support, sharing a personal anecdote about a time when a friend helped him see the humor in a situation where he was feeling humiliated. The episode concludes with a reminder to start small when implementing new habits, emphasizing the importance of building motivation through small victories.


The Parable of the Two Wolves

This Chapter introduces the parable of the two wolves, representing the good and bad aspects of ourselves. Will Schwalbe shares his interpretation of the parable in the context of friendship, emphasizing the importance of feeding the good wolf through acts of love, forgiveness, and understanding.

Will Schwalbe's Friendship with Maxi

This Chapter delves into Will Schwalbe's long-standing friendship with Maxi, highlighting their contrasting personalities and how their friendship has evolved over 40 years. Schwalbe discusses the initial prejudices he held against Maxi and how he learned to see beyond his initial judgments to discover Maxi's true character.

The Importance of Empathy and Storytelling

This Chapter explores the role of empathy and storytelling in shaping society. Schwalbe emphasizes the power of culture to foster empathy by allowing diverse voices to be heard and shared. He discusses the concept of "currencia," a place of quiet and strength, and how books serve as his personal currencia.

Reconnecting with Old Friendships

This Chapter focuses on the importance of reconnecting with old friendships, even after long periods of separation. Schwalbe shares his experiences with Maxi and other friends, highlighting how these relationships can be easily rekindled and bring joy to the "back nine" of life.

Separating Illness from Blame

This Chapter explores the challenges of separating illness from blame, particularly in the context of chronic conditions. Schwalbe shares his personal experience with a nerve disease and how he grappled with the feeling of being responsible for his symptoms. He discusses the lasting impact of the AIDS crisis on his perception of illness and the importance of recognizing that illness is not always a reflection of our actions.

The Importance of Perspective

This Chapter explores the importance of perspective in navigating life's challenges. Will Schwalbe discusses the phrase "in the grand scheme of things," a phrase his mother used to help him gain perspective on difficult situations. He explores the tension between acknowledging our emotions and seeing the bigger picture, recognizing that while perspective can be helpful, it can also be used to minimize our feelings.

The Role of Friendship in Finding Perspective

This Chapter highlights the role of friendship in providing perspective and support. Will Schwalbe discusses how his friends help him find balance between acknowledging his emotions and gaining perspective. He shares a personal anecdote about a time when a friend helped him see the humor in a situation where he was feeling humiliated.

Starting Small for Habit Change

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of starting small when implementing new habits. Will Schwalbe encourages listeners to focus on small victories to build motivation and create lasting change.


In the grand scheme of things

This phrase, often used to provide perspective on difficult situations, emphasizes that our current problems may seem less significant when considered in the context of a larger worldview. It can be used to encourage resilience and acceptance, but also to minimize or dismiss emotions.


Perspective refers to our point of view or understanding of a situation. It can be influenced by our experiences, beliefs, and values. Gaining perspective can help us to see things more objectively and make better decisions. However, it can also be used to minimize or dismiss our feelings.


Friendship is a close relationship between two or more people who share common interests, values, and experiences. Friends provide support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. They can also help us to gain perspective on our lives and challenges.

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that affects the pancreas, a gland located in the abdomen. It is a serious and often aggressive disease, with a relatively low survival rate.

Refugee Advocate

A refugee advocate is someone who works to protect and support refugees, who are people who have been forced to flee their homes due to persecution, war, or violence. Refugee advocates may work with organizations that provide legal assistance, resettlement services, or humanitarian aid.

Small Victories

Small victories are small successes or achievements that can help to build motivation and confidence. They can be used to break down large goals into smaller, more manageable steps, making them feel less daunting.

This is a website created by Will Schwalbe, author of "We Should Not Be Friends." The website offers resources and support for building positive habits and relationships.

This is the website for the 1ufeed podcast, which focuses on topics related to personal growth, relationships, and well-being. The website offers access to podcast episodes, membership benefits, and other resources.


  • What is the tension that Will Schwalbe discusses in relation to the phrase "in the grand scheme of things"?

    The tension is between acknowledging our emotions and gaining perspective. While perspective can be helpful, it can also be used to minimize or dismiss our feelings. Schwalbe believes that finding a balance between these two approaches is crucial.

  • How can we learn to navigate this tension between acknowledging our emotions and gaining perspective?

    Schwalbe suggests that a healthy parent-child relationship can help children learn to negotiate this tension. He also emphasizes the role of friendship in providing perspective and support.

  • What is the importance of starting small when implementing new habits?

    Starting small allows us to experience small victories, which build motivation and confidence. This makes it more likely that we will continue to make positive changes in our lives.

  • What is the role of friendship in helping us find perspective?

    Friends can provide a different perspective on our situations, helping us to see things more objectively. They can also offer support and encouragement, making it easier to navigate difficult times.

  • What is the key takeaway from this episode?

    The key takeaway is the importance of finding a balance between acknowledging our emotions and gaining perspective. This balance can be achieved through a combination of self-awareness, support from loved ones, and a willingness to start small and celebrate small victories.

Show Notes

In this episode, Will Schwalbe shares some of his insights and experiences about forming deep friendships in adulthood. He discusses his latest book about an unlikely friendship that formed years ago and explores how their lasting connection is so powerful.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Understand the lasting impact and deep connection of friendships

  • Discover the power of finding shared values among the differences between friends

  • Embrace the challenges when conflict arises among friends

  • Grasp the healing power of vulnerability in strengthening relationships

  • Learn the immense value of giving and receiving support in friendships

To learn more, click here!

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The Beauty and Power of Friendship with Will Schwalbe

The Beauty and Power of Friendship with Will Schwalbe
