The Book of Daniel, pt 2.
Tonight we move into chapter 2, and I hope you're ready. This chapter is loaded with some heavy prophecy, and there is a lot of ground to cover.
So grab your King James Bible, some coffee, and join in our Thursday night Bible study, in Daniel chapter 2.
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(00:01:12 ) Introduction and Weather Update
(00:02:58 ) Study of Daniel Chapter 2 Begins
(00:05:11 ) The Importance of Prayer and Seeking God's Wisdom
(00:08:13 ) Nebuchadnezzar's Dream and Its Interpretation
(00:12:17 ) The Prophecy of the Four Kingdoms
(00:47:47 ) The Revived Roman Empire and Future Prophecies
(01:02:10 ) The Role of Rome and Supernatural Elements
(01:12:03 ) The Stone Cut Without Hands
(01:23:26 ) Prayer Requests and Announcements