DiscoverDog Training DisrUPtedThe Connection Between the Canine-Guardian Bond and Dog Behavior
The Connection Between the Canine-Guardian Bond and Dog Behavior

The Connection Between the Canine-Guardian Bond and Dog Behavior

Update: 2023-10-31


In this episode, I read my scientific paper from my PhD course (Cognition, Emotion to Improve Animal Welfare - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences).

No scientific knowledge or prep required. I discuss canine enrichment, street dogs, adolescent dogs, and the guardian-canine bond to bring to light the benefits of human-based approaches, such as Flow, Cognitive Enrichment, and CBT meet the needs of pet parents and dogs. 

ABSTRACT - "The aim of this paper is to highlight the connection between cognitive processes, affected states (primarily in relation to the guardian-canine bond), and behavior to explore the effects of these factors on the welfare of domestic dogs. I begin by presenting the proven benefits, as well as the limitations, of enrichment activities and training programs. I discuss the importance of stimulating cognitive functions and establishing the guardian-canine bond to prevent and address behaviors leading to surrender, euthanasia, and the implementation of aversive measures, and refer to studies to highlight the benefits of further research into factors affecting behavior. I then move beyond enrichment and the discussion of positive verses negative conditioning methods to introduce strategies borrowed from the human world to heighten cognitive stimulation, enhance bonding, and address behavioral issues as potential suggestions for future exploration to improve the welfare of domestic dogs."

For a pdf copy of the paper with citations and links to referenced studies, please email me at  Thank you

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To become a certified Canine CBT Psychotherapist, and for courses on related topics, please visit the Institute of Canine Psychotherapy.
Become a Certified Canine Behaviorist and Dog Trainer

My Linktree with all my media, presentations, shows, articles

Billie Groom - UPWARD Dogology | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

Here is the link to the recent article in Psychology Today Mag by Marc Bekoff on Canine CBT
Dog Training: Perception, Cognition, and Emotions | Psychology Today

Buy My Book! Winner of the 2019 American Best Book Fest Award (pets/narrative/non-fiction)
The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology: Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed: Groom, Billie: 9781525547287: Books -

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The Connection Between the Canine-Guardian Bond and Dog Behavior

The Connection Between the Canine-Guardian Bond and Dog Behavior

Billie Groom