DiscoverU Can Do It with Michael McGinnis: Inspiring Growth ~ Igniting PotentialThe Emotional Roller-Coaster of Retirement and How To Manage This with Guest Heather Orengia
The Emotional Roller-Coaster of Retirement and How To Manage This with Guest Heather Orengia

The Emotional Roller-Coaster of Retirement and How To Manage This with Guest Heather Orengia

Update: 2024-09-27


In our last podcast we talked about the challenges associated with entering retirement. We shared two models to discuss this: 1) William Bridges Stages of Change to understand the 3 stages and how they relate to retirement, and 2) Elizabeth Kubler-Ross Grief and Loss Model that describes the emotional roller coaster associated with change. This sets the stage for this podcast where we will zoom in and focus on emotions such as Shock & Denial, Anger, and Depression and how they can play out in retirement. Consider the following excerpt from the article, Retirement: From Grief to Growth 
"Most people avoid using the word "retirement" when it comes to their own careers. The reality is that retirement marks a significant life transition, one that is often accompanied by a complex array of emotions. Preparing to leave a career spanning decades can stir up feelings of grief, long before your actual departure. This anticipatory grief is a natural response to the loss of something that has defined a significant part of your life. Gallup has even found that 55% of workers’ identities are tied to their job. The authority, responsibility and routine that you have become accustomed to for many years prior to your retirement can be hard to let go of. When you lose these most fulfilling aspects of your career life as you head into retirement, you will have to find ways to fill the void you’ve left behind." 
This podcast will feature Coach Heather Orengia who will share information on dealing with challenging emotions related to retirement. Michael will share his own experience with entering into retirement relating to the emotional roller coaster relating to challenges such as ageism, divorce, and the loss of identify.
This discussion relates to anyone experiencing major changes, not just retirement. The win here is understanding the normal and natural emotional response to major changes and the importance of learning how to manage these tough emotions in a healthy manner. 
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The Emotional Roller-Coaster of Retirement and How To Manage This with Guest Heather Orengia

The Emotional Roller-Coaster of Retirement and How To Manage This with Guest Heather Orengia

Michael McGinnis