The First Game About Peace
- Asi Burak, legendary creator of Peacemaker and the Chairman of Games for Change speaks about the huge potential of games to change the world - He explains how we wants his book Power Play: How Video Games Can Save the World (LINK) to change how people see video games - How games have been used to change people's hearts and minds about subway safety, have allowed old enemies to empathize, and will be diagnosed by doctors - His current organization, Power Play, and what they do to bring the power of gaming and esports to more and more spaces Links - +7 Intelligence Discord Server - Join an awesome community all about the power of games to influence our lives and the world around us. Come chat and play games with me and your fellow listeners - Mr. Koya - Use the code PLUS7 at checkout to get 20% off an order of 2+ shirts and get FREE shipping! - History of Fun - Podcast from Polygon about the hidden backstories behind the things you love to do. - Asi Burak's Website - Power Play: How Video Games Can Save the World - Games For Change - Power Play +++++++ About +7 Intelligence +7 Intelligence is the podcast about how games impact people. Each episode explores a different perspective on how games profoundly influence the real world. Interviews with game designers, psychologists, professionals, and everyday players discuss the unique way that games influence their life and work. +++++++ Listen to the show: Apple Podcasts | Android | Spotify | Stitcher | Google Play | Radiopublic RSS feed Find the show online: +7 Intelligence Website On Twitter: @7_Intelligence On Facebook: @plus7intelligence +7 Intelligence is a member of the Podglomerate network. +++++++ Music by Creo Epilogue by Creo is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.
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