The Forgotten Factor of Divine Correction
Often, when people think about God’s love for those who believe, they neglect to think about his love which is evident in his divine correction of us. Hebrews 12 says God disciplines those he loves–his discipline is evidence of his love for us.
0:00 – Read Hebrews 12.5-11.
2:04 – Opening prayer.
3:47 – God’s discipline is not the most popular aspect of His love.
7:46 – Four ways that we might respond to God’s discipline.
13:08 – Whenever possible, I share the gospel with my grandchildren–moralism disgusts me.
14:30 – It is a good thing to be troubled by God.
15:14 – First, God’s love is not conditioned by our walk.
18:14 – Don shares about a conversation he and Paul Washer had about Romans 5.
19:47 – Second, God’s love motivates us to endure.
26:32 – Third, God’s discipline leads us to partake more in His holiness.
29:18 – Fourth, God’s love may be severe but He is not making you pay for your sins in some punitive sense. All has been paid for in Christ.
32:40 – Conclusion – Do not think of correction as a display of God’s anger. His intention is not to exasperate you but to confirm your His child!
36:00 – Closing prayer.