The Gift of a Grey Muzzle

The Gift of a Grey Muzzle

Update: 2024-01-16


Ever heard the myth that "one human year of age equals seven dog years"? It might surprise you to learn that the age at which a dog becomes a senior actually varies by size and breed! So join me to learn when your dog will enter it's senior years, and how you can take care of them when they do!
In this episode, we're diving into the golden years of our furry friends. We'll explore the signs that indicate our dogs are entering their senior phase, the various physical and health changes they experience, and I'll share some invaluable advice on how to enhance their quality of life during these precious years. Join me to learn more about:
  • Understanding when a dog is considered a senior, including breed-specific considerations
  • Recognizing the physical and health changes in aging dogs, and tips to manage them to keep your dog comfortable
  • Detailed guidance on dietary adjustments for older dogs, including potential supplements, and how to manage weight to alleviate stress on aging joints
  • An exploration of mental stimulation and its significant benefits for senior dogs, including ideas for cognitive exercises and games to keep their minds sharp
  • An introduction to "The Dial Method" of dog training
Caring for a senior dog requires a combination of love, attention, and knowledge. By staying informed and proactive about their health, diet, and mental needs, we can ensure our senior dogs live out their later years with the happiness and comfort they truly deserve.
Thank you for taking the time to help your dog become a more well-mannered mutt! Be sure to tune in to all the episodes to receive more training tips, canine wellness advice and fun activities for dogs and their owners!
If you have questions about today's episode, or if there's a topic you want to learn more about, come connect with me on Facebook and Instagram at mannersformutts. If you enjoyed this podcast, head over to Apple Podcasts and leave a review - I'd love to hear what's been helpful for you and your canine friends. Talk to you next time!
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The Gift of a Grey Muzzle

The Gift of a Grey Muzzle

Staci Lemke