The Great Outdoors (1988)
In this episode of "Lunchtime Movie Critics," we're heading out into nature with the 1988 comedy "The Great Outdoors." Directed by Howard Deutch and written by John Hughes, this film features an unforgettable clash of personalities between family man Chet Ripley, played by John Candy, and his slick brother-in-law Roman Craig, portrayed by Dan Aykroyd. As their families collide during a vacation in the Wisconsin wilderness, hilarity ensues with bear encounters, waterskiing disasters, and raccoon invasions. Join us as we explore how "The Great Outdoors" blends slapstick comedy with heartfelt moments, examining the dynamics of family relationships and the escapades that bring them closer together. Tune in to see why this comedy remains a beloved family classic that captures the chaos and joy of family vacations in nature.