The Hagstone Podcast: The Little Men of Earthly Magic with Nay Noordmans
This week on the Hagstone Podcast Chaise sat down with Nay Noordmans of House of Gnomi on Instagram to chat all things Gnomes. The conversation moves through topics of connection to place, the benefits of working from folklore to develop relationships with the ecology, and the ever present question are the Gnomes just mushrooms after all?References in the episode include:
* A Book on Nymphs, Sylphs, Pygmies, and Salamanders, and on the Other Spirits by Paracelsus
* Pagan Christmas: The Plants, Spirit, and Rituals at the Origins of Yuletide by Christian Rätsch and Claudia Müller-Ebeling
* Witchcraft Medicine: Healing Arts, Shamanic Practices, and Forbidden Plants by Claudia Müller-Ebeling, Christian Rätsch, Wolf-Dieter Storl
* The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications by Christian Rätsch
Nay recommends that anyone interested in all things gnome, and mycology check out the work of gnome_cunning on Instagram, especially the workshop they gave on Ghost Pipe Mushrooms at Viridis Genii Symposium this year. You can find a lecture recording here.You can find Nay’s work on instagram at @houseofgnomi
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