The Healing Power of Horses with PATH-certified CTRI Kim Longo
In today’s episode, Kim Longo, a PATH-certified therapeutic riding instructor (CTRI), invites us into her inspiring work at Thorncroft Equestrian Center. She discusses her lifelong passion for horses, and how her father’s experiences as a World War II paratrooper drove her mission to provide a safe haven for veterans through equine therapy.
Kim has powerful stories to share of veterans who have walked through Thorncroft’s doors and left with a renewed sense of purpose. She’ll take us through Thorncroft’s six-week "Ground to Saddle" course, where veterans not only learn the fundamentals of horsemanship, but learn to build trust, communication skills, and a partnership with their horse. Stay tuned to learn more about the remarkable benefits of equine therapy!
Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:
0:00 - Intro
1:23 – Kim’s background with horses and equine therapy
6:09 – Finding purpose through equine therapy
8:35 – The six-week “Ground to Saddle” course for veterans
12:59 – Volunteering and spreading the word about Thorncroft Equestrian Center
16:41 – Kim’s favorite horses in the program
As a PATH-certified CTRI and the lead instructor for the Veterans and First Responders program at Thorncroft, Kim brings over 50 years of experience in the horse industry. With a background in equitation, junior jumpers and hunters, and dressage, she has competed and trained extensively, alongside owning her own horses and working in various barns. Kim's expertise extends to natural horsemanship, having completed numerous clinics and courses, and she finds joy in groundwork from classical in-hand techniques to various natural horsemanship methods.
She has been married to the most wonderful man for 38 years who understands barn time has no time limit. Together, they have 2 amazing adult children, an amazing daughter-in-law, and a wonderful future son-in-law, residing in Delaware after relocating from New York four years ago.
Thorncroft Equestrian Center
PATH International
Need immediate help? Contact the Veterans Crisis Line via phone, text or online chat. Dial 988 then Press 1 or text 838255 or use the online chat at
Voice & Vision:
Information on how to apply for VA Healthcare Benefits from anywhere in the USA: or call 877-222-8387 (M-F 8am-8pm EST)
To apply for veteran’s benefits and find resources in Pennsylvania veterans need to contact their County Office of Veterans Affairs as listed in this document:
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Financial support for Untold Valor is provided by a Veterans’ Trust Fund grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.