DiscoverJillian on LoveThe Highly Sensitive Empath and The Narcissist
The Highly Sensitive Empath and The Narcissist

The Highly Sensitive Empath and The Narcissist

Update: 2024-06-032


This episode delves into the unique challenges faced by highly sensitive empaths in relationships. Jillian Tereki, a certified relationship coach, explains how growing up with an unpredictable or unsafe parent can lead to a hyper-sensitive nervous system and a tendency to seek out partners with problems. This can result in codependency, emotional exhaustion, and a feeling of being a "sponge" for other people's energy. Jillian outlines five key steps to healing this pattern: 1) Stop seeing yourself as a victim of the world and embrace your resilience. 2) Develop strong emotional boundaries by prioritizing your own needs and feelings. 3) Learn to have compassion for others' pain without taking it on as your own. 4) Choose partners who are emotionally healthy and capable of meeting your needs. 5) Transform your giving nature from rescuing to helping, honoring your own well-being. Jillian emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, self-compassion, and choosing partners who are not only capable of receiving love but also giving it back. She encourages listeners to embrace their sensitivity while building a strong sense of self, creating healthier relationships and a more fulfilling life.



This Chapter introduces Jillian Tereki, a certified relationship coach, and her mission to help people transform their romantic relationships by transforming their relationship with themselves. She shares her personal experience as a highly sensitive empath and her expertise in helping others navigate the challenges of this trait.

The Drama of the Highly Sensitive Empath

This Chapter dives into the specific relational trauma experienced by highly sensitive empaths. Jillian explains how their hyper-sensitivity can lead to feeling overwhelmed and struggling in relationships, often attracting partners with significant problems. She attributes this to a childhood where one or both parents were unpredictable or unsafe, leading to a hyper-vigilant nervous system.

Overcoming the Empath's Trauma

This Chapter focuses on the first step to healing the empath's trauma: shifting the self-perception from a victim to a resilient individual. Jillian emphasizes the importance of recognizing that you are not a sponge for other people's energy and that you have the power to choose how you respond to the world.

The Power of Emotional Boundaries

This Chapter explores the crucial role of emotional boundaries in healing the empath's trauma. Jillian explains that boundaries are not about keeping negativity out but about saying yes to your own needs and feelings. She emphasizes the importance of self-worth and encourages listeners to prioritize their own well-being.

Attuning to Yourself and Your Partner

This Chapter delves into the codependent tendencies of empaths and the importance of attuning to both your own needs and your partner's. Jillian emphasizes that healthy relationships require a balance of giving and receiving, and that empaths need to learn to honor their own feelings and desires.

Choosing the Right Partner

This Chapter focuses on the importance of choosing partners who are emotionally healthy and capable of meeting your needs. Jillian advises against choosing partners who are highly dysfunctional or who require you to fix them. She emphasizes the need to create a safe and supportive environment for both partners.

Transforming Your Giving Nature

This Chapter addresses the empath's tendency to over-give and rescue others. Jillian encourages listeners to transform their giving nature from rescuing to helping, prioritizing their own well-being and choosing partners who are willing to reciprocate.

Becoming a Magnet for Positivity

This Chapter focuses on shifting your focus from negativity to positivity. Jillian encourages listeners to train their unconscious to seek out relationships with people who are emotionally healthy and supportive. She emphasizes the importance of surrounding yourself with people who inspire and uplift you.


Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)

A term used to describe individuals who are more sensitive to external stimuli, such as noise, light, and emotions. HSPs are often described as being more empathetic, intuitive, and creative. They may also be more prone to experiencing anxiety, stress, and overwhelm.


A person who is highly sensitive to the emotions and energy of others. Empaths often feel the emotions of others as if they were their own, and they may be easily overwhelmed by strong emotions or negative energy. Empaths are often described as being compassionate, intuitive, and caring.

Relational Trauma

Trauma that occurs within the context of a relationship, often involving emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. Relational trauma can have a profound impact on a person's sense of self, their ability to trust, and their capacity for healthy relationships.


A pattern of unhealthy relationships in which one person enables or supports the addictive or dysfunctional behavior of another person. Codependency can be characterized by a lack of boundaries, a tendency to take on responsibility for the other person's problems, and a fear of abandonment.


A state of heightened awareness and alertness, often associated with anxiety or trauma. Hypervigilance can lead to a constant feeling of being on edge, a difficulty relaxing, and a tendency to scan for danger.

Emotional Boundaries

Healthy limits that you set in relationships to protect your emotional well-being. Emotional boundaries involve knowing your own needs and feelings, communicating them clearly, and setting limits on how others can treat you.


A sense of your own value and importance. Self-worth is essential for healthy relationships, as it allows you to set boundaries, communicate your needs, and feel confident in yourself.


A personality disorder characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. Narcissists often exploit others to meet their own needs and may engage in manipulative or abusive behavior.


A chronic disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite negative consequences. Addiction can affect relationships, work, and overall health.


A traditional Indian system of medicine that emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda uses a variety of natural therapies, including diet, exercise, herbs, and massage, to promote health and well-being.


  • What are the common challenges faced by highly sensitive empaths in relationships?

    Highly sensitive empaths often struggle with feeling overwhelmed by other people's emotions, attracting partners with problems, and experiencing codependency. They may feel drained by negative energy and struggle to set healthy boundaries.

  • How can childhood trauma contribute to the challenges faced by empaths?

    Growing up with an unpredictable or unsafe parent can lead to a hyper-sensitive nervous system and a tendency to seek out partners who mirror that early experience, creating a cycle of dysfunction.

  • What are some steps to heal the empath's trauma and build healthier relationships?

    Key steps include shifting your self-perception from a victim to a resilient individual, developing strong emotional boundaries, learning to have compassion without taking on others' pain, choosing emotionally healthy partners, and transforming your giving nature from rescuing to helping.

  • How can I develop stronger emotional boundaries?

    Emotional boundaries involve knowing your own needs and feelings, communicating them clearly, and setting limits on how others can treat you. It's about prioritizing your own well-being and saying yes to what you need.

  • What are some signs that I might be choosing partners who are not right for me?

    If you consistently choose partners who are highly dysfunctional, require you to fix them, or drain your energy, it's a sign that you may be repeating unhealthy patterns.

  • How can I transform my giving nature from rescuing to helping?

    It's about honoring your own needs and feelings, setting boundaries, and choosing partners who are willing to reciprocate your love and support. It's about being a proud helper, not a rescuer.

  • How can I shift my focus from negativity to positivity?

    Start by looking for what's working in your relationships and in your life. Surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift you. Train your unconscious to seek out positive experiences.

  • What is the importance of self-awareness in healing the empath's trauma?

    Self-awareness is crucial for recognizing your patterns, triggers, and impulses. It allows you to make conscious choices about how you respond to the world and build healthier relationships.

  • How can I practice self-compassion?

    Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance. It's about recognizing that you are human and that you will make mistakes. It's about forgiving yourself and moving forward.

  • What is the ultimate goal of healing the empath's trauma?

    The goal is to create a life where you feel empowered, resilient, and capable of having healthy, fulfilling relationships. It's about embracing your sensitivity while building a strong sense of self.

Show Notes

Jillian finally addresses the trauma associated with being "highly sensitive" and an "empath" and how one's sensitivity impacts their relationships and makes them more susceptible to attaching to toxic people. But, there is a way out. And Jillian explains in detail how.


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The Highly Sensitive Empath and The Narcissist

The Highly Sensitive Empath and The Narcissist

Jillian Turecki | QCODE