The Iron Giant
1999 Animated Sci-Fi Film
The Iron Giant is a charming animated film directed by Brad Bird that failed to create box office success, but it has since become a favorite of robot loving sci-fi fans everywhere! Starring Vin Diesel, Harry Connick Jr., Jennifer Aniston, and Christopher McDonald, this film is little deeper than the typical animated films of it's time. Our crew discusses this film to discover the highs and the lows of what animation was like in the 90's. We had a lot of fun rewatching this film and talking about on this week's episode!
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Music heard on this podcast opening is from Mikhail Smusev of SignmaMusicArt and provided by Pixabay. Listen to more of his music at:
Music heard at the end of this podcast is from Ivan Ohanezov of PumpUpTheMind and provided by Pixabay. Listen to more of his music at:
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