The M. Night Shamalamadingdong Podcast
Just in time for the release of M. Night Shyamalans “Glass” Scott, Chris and Pat discuss the films leading up to this third film in the “Hero” trilogy. Youll find an in depth and spoiler filled discussion of Unbreakable and Split as well as speculation about the upcoming finale of the story that will find David Dunn, The Beast and Mr. Glass all sharing the screen in what should prove to be an epic conflict. Enjoy score music and sound clips from all three movies as well as the trios thoughts on other M. Night properties and how these films could prove to be his magnum opus. Bonus Garage Sale Gloat anecdotes and music from Otis Day and the Knights!!! So get on your rain parka, gather all your personalities in one place and watch out on those stairs and join us for the M. Night Shamalamadingdong Podcast! Bingestorm, to the asylum!!!