The Mincing Rascals 11.26.24: Trump charges dropped, Johnson office drama, Shopping Cart Theory
The Mincing Rascals this week are John Williams of WGN Radio, Eric Zorn, Publisher of The Picayune Sentinel, longtime Chicago journalist Cate Plys, Brandon Pope, host of ‘On the Block‘ on WCIU, and political pundit Marj Halperin! The Rascals begin this special Tuesday holiday week episode of the podcast discussing The Shopping Cart Theory. Can you judge a person’s character if they properly return their shopping cart? Next, there is more drama in Mayor Johnson’s office as Johnson’s former communications director was the subject of multiple complaints alleging workplace misconduct. What do the Rascals make of the latest problem in the Johnson administration? Fresh from withdrawing his name to be the next attorney general, former Florida congressman Matt Gaetz joined Cameo. Special counsel Jack Smith is dropping the federal election subversion and classified documents cases against President-elect Trump. Do the Rascals believe the cases should be dropped? And finally, as we head towards the Thanksgiving holiday, what are the Rascals most thankful for this year.