The New Luddites
Note: After this podcast was scheduled for publication the longshoremen’s union (after meeting with members of the Biden administration) agreed to postpone their strike until after the election (surprise!). The also agreed to a 61.5% salary increase over six year. The primary sticking point is the automation of the port facilities. But my podcast might help you understand why the innovation and upgrading of port efficiency is so important.
A strike by the International Longshoremen’s Association on East Coast of the United States is creating shortages and rising prices as ships wait in the harbor to unload their goods. The Longshoremen are asking for a wage increase of 77% over six years and have rejected counteroffers of forty and then fifty percent. However in this podcast, the Edifice of Trust host, Victor Bolles, is going to look at another demand of the ILA, a freeze on automation of port services.