The New Protections Added to Title IX—and the New Challenges it Faces
Title IX, a civil rights law enacted in 1972, is a statute meant to protect students from sex discrimination in educational environments to maintain equal opportunity to educational access. This year, the Biden administration released a new Title IX rule, which provides additional protections for those who are most likely to experience sex discrimination at school. Shiwali Patel, Senior Director of Safe and Inclusive Schools at the National Women’s Law Center, sits down with us to talk about what this rule change accomplishes and what challenges it faces.
In April 2024, the Biden administration released the new rule, which, most significantly, clarified protections for LGBTQI+ students, provided additional protections for pregnant and parenting students, and expands protections against sexual harassment. The rule also undid many of the Trump administration’s harmful Title IX changes. Unfortunately, these celebrated changes are being challenged in court. In addition, some congressional members are using the Congressional Review Act to attempt to reverse these protections.
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