The One Trick to Help Motivate Your Child! Recorded Live Discussion
In this episode we are joined by a long-time listener of the podcast who has insightful questions about narcissism. This interview effectively illustrates the complexity of narcissism, the challenges of parenting, the importance of self-awareness and how Jim is inadvertently reenacting a part of his childhood relationship with his father. Jim's interest in learning and improving his relationship with his daughter is palpable, he is open and honest about everyday parental challenges.
Eye-Opening Moments PodcastEye-Opening Moments are stories of adversity, encounters, and perspectives. They are...
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To read more about the various facets of narcissism please click here
If you are interested in a consultation or seeking virtual therapy services, Dr. Mazzella is accepting new patients. Please click here for more detailed information.
For more information about Dr. Mazzella’s psychoanalytic affiliations and membership in The International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) -which is restricted to psychoanalysts who fulfill the most recognized international standards for psychoanalytic training- please click here
For a deeper dive into narcissism, I now offer courses approved for continuing education credits, available [here]. As a NYS Education Department-approved provider (#SW-0211), licensed social workers in New York can earn credits through these programs. Also, these courses are a wonderful opportunity for those who may simply want to further educate themselves on all issues related to narcissistic and personality disorder dynamics.
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