The PSA Test Controversy, Doctor Vs Insurer on Settlements
In a lively discussion, E. David Crawford, MD (University of Colorado), explains the controversy around prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test screening. The National Cancer Institute describes the PSA controversy as follows: “Using the PSA test to screen men for prostate cancer is controversial because it is not yet known for certain whether this test actually saves lives.”
Also, regular contributor Dr. MedLaw addresses how to handle when you find yourself at odds with an insurance company over the decision to settle a malpractice lawsuit. While many doctors may express a desire to go to trial in the face of a malpractice lawsuit, seeking vindication and clearing their name, the reality is that the majority of these cases settle out of court. On the other hand, a doctor who is eager to put the matter behind them may feel pressured into settling. So, how does a doctor navigate the situation when they find themselves at odds with their insurance company over the decision to settle?
Enjoy listening!
PS: Stay tuned for next week! PW editorial board member Alex McDonald, MD, joins host Rachel Giles, MD, in their annual discussion of the top medical news stories of the year!
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