The Power of Genuine Networking for Entrepreneurs With OneSixOne Ventures
How integral are networking and community-building to becoming a successful entrepreneur? Pablo Casilimas and Justis Mendez of OneSixOne Ventures join Founder Shares to discuss how they harnessed the power of these strategies to jumpstart their venture capital firm and connect founders and funders. Listen as they share some of the most useful insights they gained from hosting highly curated programs and events in different cities across the country and hosting a virtual accelerator program that helped 40 companies raise over $13 million and generated $15 million in revenue. How did they overcome challenges in raising capital and building a reputation as first-time fund managers? Find out in this conversation, as Pablo and Justis discuss their unique approach to venture capital and their focus on community building, reputation, long-term thinking, building value, and supporting founders in ways that other firms are not.
Hosted by Trevor Schmidt, Founder Shares is brought to you by Hutchison PLLC and is edited and produced by Earfluence.