The PropaDanda Machine - Conversation With DaN McKee II
When not being overworked as a teacher under consecutive Conservative governments, DaN McKee writes and produces music, creates, and uploads articles to his blog “Philosophy Unleashed” and aims to get the young students in his classroom engaged with critical thinking skills in the hopes that they will be guided out of the metaphorical cave of state propaganda and capitalist realism (and it may have just worked on a couple students if you ask me) but as a political thinker DaN McKee puts forward his arguments for why if we wish to be faithful to the claims of democracy that so many of us make we should look towards anarchist thought to how we should structure our social and political organisations, in his recently released book: Authentic Democracy: An Ethical Justification of Anarchism. And today we discuss his book, anarchist thought, how anarchism can be applied to current affair and what we can do to transform our democratic systems.
Welcome to Propoganda Machine Podcast - the podcast hosted by me - Mohammed Hassan, a "radical" lefty who is very opinionated. Join me for discussion on anything political, philosophical and relevant in the world right now.
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