The Ramifications of Stress On Our Health-Physically, Psychologically & Intellectually
Statistics show that 40% of deaths in the United States are related wholly or in part to stress. Stress effects our lives in three different areas which include: physical, psychological and intellectual. Donatelle notes that stress is often described as "disease of prolonged arousal" that leads to a cascade of negative health effects. The longer you are chronically stressed, the more likely will be the negative health effects. She continues to explain that nearly all body systems become potential targets, and the long term effects may be devastating. The higher the levels of stress you experience, the greater the likelihood of damage to your physical health (P.Thoits, "Stress and Health": Major Findings and Policy Implications, "Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 2010). Donatelle notes increase in rates of suicide, homicide, hate crimes, alcohol and drug abuse, and domestic violence across the United States are additional symptoms of a nation under stress. I also discuss "Happiness: The Magic Stress Elixir". Some positive psychologists have found that people who are generally more optimistic or happier have fewer mental and physical health problems, and less stress! If happiness and optimism are keys to stress reduction, how can you find them? Listen to podcast below find some of the answers. We are now on Pandora.