The Ramsey Theory Podcast: No Strangers At This Party With Fan Chung Graham
Dr. Fan Chung Graham is the Paul Erdös Professor in Combinatorics at the University of California, San Diego, California. Dr. Chung Graham's research interests include spectral graph theory, extremal graph theory, graph labeling, graph decompositions, random graphs, graph algorithms, parallel structures, and various applications of graph theory in Internet computing, communication networks, software reliability, chemistry, and engineering.
In a conversation with students from Simon Fraser University, Amritha Raj Kizhakkeputhukulathil Ramanan, Anmol Anmol Singh, and Brian Krammer, Dr. Chung Graham talks about how she as a graduate student worked on improving the lower bound of R(3,3,3,3), tells about the benefits that art brings to her life, and shares some of her memories about her husband Ron Graham.