The Road to Becoming a Medical Auditing Specialist: A Conversation with Shannon DeConda
Brace yourself as Shannon unravels not just the fascinating history of NAMAS, but also dives into a discussion about the significance of proficiency in E&M. You won't want to miss her insights about NAMAS Documentation and Compliance tips that serve as a resourceful tool in the medical coding industry.
Now, who said auditing had to be dull? Let's venture into an exciting conversation about the crossroads between auditing and the future - Artificial Intelligence. While AI is gradually shaping the auditing process, it's far from replacing the human touch. Shannon and I delve into the essence of staying updated as an auditor and embracing our strengths, and interestingly, the specializations that make us unique.
Hang in there, because the best is yet to come! Shannon unveils the projects NAMAS is currently working on. So gear up for an enlightening conversation with Shannon and Victoria who will navigate you through the evolving landscape of medical coding and auditing!