The Saddler’s Post – Lauren Garret-Bond
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<link>The Saddler’s Post – Lauren Garret-Bond </link></itunes:image><figure class="wp-block-audio"></figure>
Saddlers & leather workers from around the world join host Christian Lowe to share stories and secrets on the leather trade and the art and life of making, repairing, and selling saddles and other equipment for horses.
Lauren is a Society of Master Saddlers Saddlery Apprentice. As part of her apprenticeship she is a trained and skilled saddle fitter. The SMS apprenticeship program lasts 7 years. Lauren will complete the process by 2026, hopefully.
Lauren makes tack and repairs all brands of tack. She also helps clients find the best used saddles for their money, whatever their budget. And Lauren sells 4 brands of new saddles to clients who need or want something customized or specific. Those brands are Albion, Berney Brothers of Ireland, Bliss of London/Loxley, and Passier. Lauren also recommends a variety of products (Leather care, half pads, stirrups, leather goods, and bridles) that she has in stock or can order for clients at very reasonable prices.
About Us
Lauren and Matt make regular trips to the UK, Ireland, and Canada to continue their education and to stay up to date on any brand changes and product advancements. We also regularly set up at shows within our service area. If you have a show where you think our booth would be welcome, let us know! We love to meet folks and educate about saddle fitting and tack!
Matthew is becoming a Certified Saddle Ergonomist and is a Certified Equine Ergonomist. He has been riding and caring for horses since 2010. Matthew helps Lauren with repairs in the shop and in finding and selecting used saddles for clients. Matt also sells Schleese saddles new, for those men and women who wish to experience a specific saddle fit for them and their horse.
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Christian Lowe Leather Care
A unique blend of soap, oils, beeswax and the wonderful properties of tea tree prepared in small batches in our studio