The Sales Crucible and How to Build One, with Stephen Woessner
For this episode of Sell With Authority — I break down a sales strategy that we’ve used here at Predictive for nearly a decade — but not until recently — did we build a framework around it.
We call it the “Sales Crucible” — and I will tell you — whenever we have a new service line to begin selling here at Predictive – I design what we call a “Sales Crucible.”
And just like a literal “crucible,” — I design a schedule and accountability points that intentionally put me under pressure so I’m forced to figure out the best way to talk about our newest offering, get at-bats in front of real prospects, strike out, and then eventually get some hits and score some wins.
I know this might sound ridiculous — why would someone want to do that to themselves? Right?
I promise you — if you put our Sales Crucible framework into practice — you will cut the time it takes to gain traction in your sales process.
But before we dive in — have you heard about our upcoming July Intensive?
Three times a year — we get our Predictive clients together on Zoom. We call it the “2-day Intensive.”
We slice apart our best strategies for helping agencies sell more of what they do — and we break everything down in full transparency so you can install it into your agency.
I know I’m biased — but holy bananas — each Intensive is off-the-charts awesome.
Our next “Intensive” is Tuesday & Wednesday, July 30th & 31st, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon Central (on Zoom).
Our goal for the July Intensive is to help you sell more of what you do.
We have 30 guest passes available.
Would you like to join us?
And here’s the magic.
The Intensive is a private client-only event.
That means no selling. No pitching. You just get to be one of us.
If that sounds helpful — just send me an email at with the word “ONWARD,” and I’ll get in touch with the full details, calendar invites, and Zoom links.
What you will learn in this episode is:
- How to create your own “XYZ Statement” so you can easily introduce yourself to prospects using a statement that is designed for them and not you
- How to connect the dots between your strategies and tactics — with the outcomes delivered for your clients
- Why build a list of confidants to practice your pitch shortens your path to success
- How to move quickly into the real batter’s box and swing away
Download our Free Frameworks to Help You Sell More of What You Do:
- Get the WHO Framework™: Replace your dry sales pipeline with a steady stream of right-fit clients.
- Get the WHAT Framework™: Design your irresistible offer and sell it for a premium-priced fee.
- Get the HOW Framework™: Put a proven sales process into place and close 80% of your proposals.
- Get the How You Help Framework™: Use this framework to make yourself an easy YES! for clients.
- Website:
- Visit our newly expanded Resource Library
- Join us in our free How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline Facebook Group
- Stephen’s LinkedIn:
- Order your free paperback or Kindle copy of our Book: Sell with Authority