DiscoverThe Dan Bongino ShowThe Secret Service Has Some Explaining To Do (Ep. 2324)
The Secret Service Has Some Explaining To Do (Ep. 2324)

The Secret Service Has Some Explaining To Do (Ep. 2324)

Update: 2024-09-0613


Dan Bongino begins the podcast with a brief introduction and a sponsor shoutout for Blackout Coffee. He then dives into the latest Russia Hoax 3.0, criticizing the GOP for falling for the trap and highlighting how it's designed to target conservatives. Bongino reveals explosive secret service tips about security breaches and the murder of Cory comparator, further discussing the Russia Hoax 3.0 and its deliberate attempt to discredit conservative influencers. He shares his personal reflections on his battle with cancer and declares himself public enemy number one, expressing defiance towards his critics. Bongino exposes the Secret Service's incompetence, highlighting their lack of preparedness for the 2024 campaign and their failure to address a credible Iranian threat against President Trump. He criticizes their focus on DEI initiatives at the expense of core security responsibilities, arguing it's tone-deaf and irresponsible. Bongino discusses Judge Chutkin's decision to move the case against Donald Trump, arguing it's not a win for Trump and that the Justice system is being weaponized against him. Throughout the podcast, Bongino promotes various sponsors, including Field of Greens, Helix Mattress, Code Defense, and LandZend Outfitters.


The Russia Hoax, Secret Service Incompetence, and the Weaponization of the Justice System

Dan Bongino discusses the latest Russia Hoax, Secret Service incompetence, and the weaponization of the justice system, urging listeners to stay informed and support the parallel economy. He criticizes the GOP for falling for the Russia Hoax 3.0, reveals explosive secret service tips about security breaches, and shares his personal reflections on his battle with cancer. Bongino exposes the Secret Service's lack of preparedness for the 2024 campaign and their failure to address a credible Iranian threat against President Trump. He also discusses Judge Chutkin's decision to move the case against Donald Trump, arguing it's not a win for Trump and that the Justice system is being weaponized against him.


Russia Hoax 3.0

The latest iteration of the Russia collusion narrative, alleging that conservative influencers were influenced by Russia to support Trump. This is seen as a deliberate attempt to discredit the conservative movement.

Secret Service Incompetence

Bongino criticizes the Secret Service for its lack of preparedness and its reactive approach to security threats. He cites specific examples of security breaches and the murder of Cory comparator to support his claims.

Iranian Threat

Bongino reveals that the Secret Service has been aware of a credible Iranian threat against President Trump for years but has failed to take adequate measures to mitigate it. This highlights the agency's negligence and potential danger to the president's safety.

Weaponization of the Justice System

The use of the legal system to target political opponents or silence dissent. Bongino believes that the Justice system is being weaponized against Donald Trump and other conservatives, citing the Russia Hoax and the ongoing investigations as examples.

Parallel Economy

A network of alternative platforms and businesses that are not controlled by the mainstream media or big tech companies. Bongino is a strong advocate for the parallel economy and believes it is essential for free speech.

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)

A term used to describe a set of principles that aim to promote equality and inclusion in all aspects of society. Bongino criticizes the Secret Service's focus on DEI initiatives at the expense of core security responsibilities, arguing that it is tone-deaf and irresponsible.


  • What is the Russia Hoax 3.0 and how is it being used to target conservatives?

    The Russia Hoax 3.0 is the latest iteration of the Russia collusion narrative, alleging that conservative influencers were influenced by Russia to support Trump. This is seen as a deliberate attempt to discredit the conservative movement and sow distrust among Republicans.

  • What evidence does Bongino provide to support his claims of Secret Service incompetence?

    Bongino cites specific examples of security breaches, including the murder of Cory comparator and the lack of preparedness for the 2024 campaign. He also reveals that the Secret Service has been aware of a credible Iranian threat against President Trump for years but has failed to take adequate measures to mitigate it.

  • How does Bongino criticize the Secret Service's focus on DEI initiatives?

    Bongino argues that the Secret Service's focus on DEI initiatives at the expense of core security responsibilities is tone-deaf and irresponsible. He points out that agents are overworked and understaffed while the agency is sending nominees to an LGBTQ+ summit at Disney World.

  • What is Bongino's overall message to his audience?

    Bongino's overall message is one of defiance and a call to action. He encourages his audience to stay informed, question authority, and support the parallel economy. He also warns against falling for the latest Russia Hoax and the weaponization of the Justice system.

Show Notes

Susan Crabtree strikes again as she uncovers yet another Secret Service scandal to do with President Trump’s detail. In this episode, I cover this new breaking story as well as the unfolding new “Russia collusion”.

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Comments (1)

Michael Douglas

you're a dumb mother f***** too if you think general Flynn is a hero he will be exposed for his pedo ring and Racine Wisconsin along with Ivan reichen yeah that whole crew they're trying to undermine Trump they were part of January 6th and you're still a grifter paid GateKeepe

Sep 9th
In Channel

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The Secret Service Has Some Explaining To Do (Ep. 2324)

The Secret Service Has Some Explaining To Do (Ep. 2324)

Cumulus Podcast Network | Dan Bongino