DiscoverHealing + Human PotentialThe Secret to Mastering Healthy Relationships + Uncovering Unconscious Blocks with Gay Hendricks | EP 37
The Secret to Mastering Healthy Relationships + Uncovering Unconscious Blocks with Gay Hendricks | EP 37

The Secret to Mastering Healthy Relationships + Uncovering Unconscious Blocks with Gay Hendricks | EP 37

Update: 2024-05-211


Did you know you might be unconsciously holding yourself back from the success you desire?


In this episode of the Healing & Human Potential, we’re unpacking how you can remove your inner blocks to start doing more of what you love and delve into how to cultivate a healthy and flourishing relationship.


Today's guest, Gay Hendricks, is a best-selling author and psychologist whose work has been featured on Oprah. His teaching over the last 45 years has focused on personal growth, relationships, and body intelligence.


Join us as we cover how to overcome common challenges in relationships with practical tools, explore how to find your ‘zone of genius’, and share powerful insights to break free from your limiting beliefs. It's a beautiful conversation full of wisdom that you won't want to miss.






0:00 - Intro

4:56 - What is Conscious Loving?

6:12 - Here’s What Most Relationships Are Missing…

9:22 - The Power of Responsibility In All Relationships

15:25 - Why We Need Creativity In Our Daily Loves

24:52 - Exploring the Microscopic Truths Behind Our Emotions

29:14 - One of the Reasons We Burnout

33:17 - What the True Definition of Personal Responsibility is in Relationship

41:16 - Powerful Question To Uncover Unconscious Patterns

42:15 - Wisdom to Move Beyond Our Upper Limits

45:57 - The Medicine in Acceptance

52:00 - The Fear of Outshining Others

54:21 - Question To Wake Up To Your Limiting Beliefs

59:40 - Finding Your Zone of Genius




Have you watched our previous episode on Relationships?


Watch on YouTube:




Alyssa Nobriga International, LLC - Disclaimer

This podcast is presented solely for educational and entertainment purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or any other qualified professional. We shall in no event be held liable to any party for any reason arising directly or indirectly for the use or interpretation of the information presented in this video. Copyright 2023, Alyssa Nobriga International, LLC - All rights reserved.



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The Secret to Mastering Healthy Relationships + Uncovering Unconscious Blocks with Gay Hendricks | EP 37

The Secret to Mastering Healthy Relationships + Uncovering Unconscious Blocks with Gay Hendricks | EP 37