The Story of Big Tiny: From 2 Tiny Houses to 450 Tiny Houses in 7 Years! - Jeff Yeo
In this episode of the iSearch podcast, Benjamin Lim (iSearch) discussed with Jeff Yeo (Big Tiny) on the brand's story and key strategies and challenges of their rapid expansion from 2 tiny houses to 450 tiny houses in 7 years.
The areas of discussion include:
0:00 - Introduction
0:59 - The story of Big Tiny
3:37 - Design of Big Tiny houses
4:54 - Big Tiny team's prior experience
6:22 - Big Tiny's business model
10:21 - How you can book a stay with Big Tiny in Malaysia
11:33 - Key strategies of Big Tiny's rapid growth
14:13 - Assembling a tiny house and Big Tiny's mantra
15:35 - Popularity of Big Tiny
16:17 - Safety and security in Big Tiny homes
17:02 - Key challenges during Big Tiny's expansion
20:21 - How Big Tiny stands out against bigger booking platforms
22:32 - Sale of Big Tiny houses
24:50 - Future plans for Big Tiny
Check out Big Tiny here:
#bigtiny #tinyhouse #jeffyeo #entrepreneur #entrepreneurmalaysia #businessmalaysia #startup #startupmalaysia #isearch #isearchmalaysia #isearchpodcast