The Tazz and Paula Show, March 2, 2016

The Tazz and Paula Show, March 2, 2016

Update: 2016-03-04


Published on Feb 2nd, 2016  by Todd Ovokaitys.
Bending Time and Your DNA … Whooh! how does one wrap their head around that one?
Dr Todd Ovokaitys talks about communicating with your DNA and awakening your dormant DNA with Vibrational Toning. The principles will be discussed and then we’ll experience going into the DNA to amplify your system. Using patterns and tones opening up the senses and innate abilities and enhancing the vitality of the cells.
At the level of quantum understanding, everything in the universe is simply waves and vibrations. The product of particular tones and overtones may therefore directly tap into a deeper level of quantum reality. The deep, peaceful states produced with Tibetan chants or the mantras of Transcendental Meditation (TM) show the power to relax and recharge the body with sound. Meditation practices actually showed a state of agelessness lasting at least a decade in its users.
In 2001, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys began the process of remembering an ancient and sacred practice of toning that activated the pineal gland and created profoundly expansive experiences. He intuitively knew the power of the tones and their intrinsic benefit and impact on life extension, enhanced well-being and increased health. Unaware of any higher purpose for the tones, he called it The Pineal Toning TechniqueTM and began to teach small groups how to use them for personal growth and healing. According to Kryon – an angelic entity channeled for 20 years by internationally renowned author Lee Carroll – Dr Todd is the only Human on the planet with these 24 multidimensional tones.








Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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The Tazz and Paula Show, March 2, 2016

The Tazz and Paula Show, March 2, 2016